Shadow Story... make up your own. The solid objects are an urn on our front porch with some of Ozzie's sticks and two onion flowers in it. The flower on the left is bursting with seeds. The one on the right was growing right next to it and has no seeds. That was my reason for taking the picture, but I was arrested by the story of the shadows....

Dana arrived at the front door this morning at 8 to dig in the planter box she and OilMan are "refreshing" with new dirt. Unable to ignore the dust and dog hair any longer I vacuumed and dusted the house. I suppose it is a tribute to the design of this house that dust doesn't show much--except when the light is just right and the extent of the dust is evident.

I speent a wonderful hour with my trainer, Kathy, who spent the whole hour working on my very sore neck, and relieving me of a persistent headache and also some some worries over my crazy blood pressure. I said I really don't feel that there is anything stressful about my life, and she said, "except worrying about your blood pressure..." I'm seeing my doctor about it, but I can't help think that even the well meaning ones are still part of the problem! Thank goodness for people like Kathy and my good friend Ginny who think outside the box!

We are still enjoying wonderful weather (goldilocks weather--not to hot, not too cold, but juuust right). Because we live in the foothills, we tend to have occasional swirling winds which are currently blowing the leaves (and the acorns!) off the trees, and clearing the air. Tomorrow will dawn crisp and clear, but by dinnertime we'll be able to eat outside. That's why we moved here....

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