GranMa Tulip Blips

By GranMaTulip

Day 4 - Sober for October

I've been up for hours!!!

Headache reduced to a dull ache which is great.. I've bathed the dog and myself, (not at the same time!) sorted a few more boxes from the move, done a little bit of organising for Saturday and put a load of washing on and its not even 7:30am!

Is it the lack of wine in the evening or coming out of the fog of a 4 day migraine.. only time will tell!

This SP debate is ongoing and proving to be very interesting. Generally people split into two camps, they either think I'm terribly brave or I must be very vain! I'm neither... I have shied away from the camera since I was a small child, I can almost remember when I decided I didn't like my photo taken... it was something I copied... think the professionals would call it learnt behaviour. This month will reverse that I'm sure... point, shoot, upload... after all this is the same face I show people every day!
I'm hoping I start looking a little more relaxed the further through the month we go...

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