Little snippets

By Steffi

Today you wanted to know....

...... something that's on my wishlist .....

I asked Mr S and he suggested 'a BMW X5’ - but no, I really don't want a new car ..... what I would like is a driver for said car..... so no.

I asked my daughter and she meant 'a picture of your three adorable children' - but well, I do have them already ..... And as they seem to be happy where they are it would be selfish to wish them here at my table..... so no.

Then I thought of this ...... that's a piece of jewelry - and what girl wouldn't like to get some jewelry now and then?

It's also a flower - and who doesn't like to get some flowers now and then..??

And last but not least it's pink .... and as ThingsBeautiful mentions in her post it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month ..... and now this is a wish I really have - that something could be done, something could be found to help all those who are affected......

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