
Ever since she was small our Fiona (Fifi) always drew a sunflower on every card and note that she wrote. A sunny trademark for a cheerful, kind , generous girl with a very outgoing personality.

No matter how you are feeling a sunflower brightens your day and makes you smile. This poem is for you, Fifi xx

Sunflowers by Vince Coates

Sunflowers are not just the flowers that
grow so tall and turn so vibrantly yellow
each Summer.

This is what many think.

Yes, this is what they see.

I see these also, just now I also
see them in a different way..

As I grow , I see special
people in my life also as Sunflowers.

My Special Sunflower People.

The people who radiate smiles, that
radiate warmth and affection in all
weather, all times of the year and even
at night when even the real Sun is sleeping.

My special sunflower friends and loved
ones, so bright so cheerful no matter
what colors they are wearing. Some
just don’t want to be accused of wearing
the same color each day.

I still let them know, to me, they are my
favorite, most beautiful sunflowers and then
their most vibrant yellow color appears again and
they stand so tall in the Sun and also back in my life

Long ago, Van Gogh, painted , “Sunflowers”.

Today, it is me, thinking of what these beautiful
flowers and lovely people mean to me.


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