A Galah's welcome to spring

Back on 21st August I last blipped a photo of a Galah on our old bird feeder. The new bird feeder had to go as Raj kept jumping up on it and tipping it over! Working on a new safer design!

The weather is getting much warmer now and this is one of a pair of Galahs that came down for a late afternoon nibble on the bird seed.

As many of you know, I have done a number of Galah shots over the last 15 months, and this one is a little different. It was flexing its muscles wings.

The Galah is one of the most popular and wide spread members of the Cockatoo family. You can see why.

Bigger wings.

Thanks to the wing display, you get to see the various shades of pink and gray in this glorious bird, in part due to the degree of back lighting that really helped set the shot apart from the last one I blipped.

BTW tonight our Daylight Saving Time starts in South Australia.

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