Only Cross The Finish Line Once

Bradford Parkrun

Always a good start to the day. Parkrun is a free ( yes free ) timed 5k event that happens all over the world, I am lucky I have one on my doorstep ( not literally that would just be stupid and involve too many laps ).

It offers such a sense of community and of opportunity for runners of all ages and abilities . They proably should have a special category for swearing runners like me...

Parkrun is run entirely on good will and volunteers and is a real example of altrusim in action. Linda , the race director gives hours of her time to enable it.

The run is three laps of Lister Park with everyone encouraging each other along ( we have Tony one of our star marshalls who was coach for The Brownlees no less ). We also have signs of encouragement all the way around including one on the quite fucking hard teeny tiny hill . This sign at the end always makes me smile, if it wasn't for this I would be really tempted to do the course twice whilst no one as looking , really I would ....

Terrific start to the day made even better by the free flapjacks were given out by the guests hosts , Saltaire Striders.

Oh and Arthur was someone who used to do Parkrun who was an old man that did huge amounts for charity . He died the day of his 100th Parkrun. This sign is tribute to him.

Happy 9th Birthday to Parkrun yesterday.

There is no better way to start your Saturday than in the company of other people who are stupid enough and enthused enough to leave their warm beds and come and pound the paths at 9 0' clock in the morning

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