West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Perfect Patient!!!!

Today was a day I had not been looking forward to. Mimi was scheduled to have an MRI scan, some of you will know she was recently diagnosed as being unilaterally deaf. Nothing can be done for her deafness but this was to identify the root cause and to investigate the possibility that her other ear may suffer the same fate, or not as the case may be.

Mimi was excited by the whole idea, I had explained to her what would happen, how loud it would be, the enclosed sensation but true to form she did not seem phased by anything I had told her. Sitting having their dinner recently she chirped to Fraser, "you will be the odd one out in this family as you will be the only one never to have had an MRI" I quickly explained to Fraser this was a very good thing!!!!

Before I set off this morning I had a lovely message from my friend saying that Mimi was in her thoughts this morning, it is lovely that the people we hold so dear can, with a simple message lift our spirits!! When we arrived we were greeted with smiling faces and enthusiasm, Mimi was not at all anxious and we went in, the scanner seemed like something out of Star Wars she said as she hopped onto the bed and was propped up and given her headphones. Her halo had a mirror and this allowed her to see me sitting behind the machine, it also allowed her to see the video screen that was playing the DVD she had chosen, this was useless for dad as it was inverted so as to allow her the view in the mirror and dad had no sound either that reserved for headphones.

I watched her, she lay totally still, the odd wink at me and that cheeky grin between scans let me know she was absolutely fine. The scans were long, but in reality were all finished in under 40 minutes and none had to be redone as she had been the perfect patient.

I was cheeky and asked the radiographer if I could shoot a shot for my journal, a little apprehensively they agreed as long as I shot from the door, Mimi was given a certificate to say she had had her MRI and sat with Natasha from the MRI staff while dad shot a single frame.

Not a well framed photograph but that doesn't matter, it is a little window on Mimi's world, a world I struggle to appreciate, my love is music and the thought of my capacity to enjoy it being diminished by deafness is horrifying but Mimi loves music, she sing all the time, and has adapted over the years to compensate for her disability, we learned recently she lip reads and has for a long time so she really is a remarkable little person and a very special girl.

Just a snap today nothing more than a day in the life of a little girl

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