Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Cruising through the weekend

I've been playing single parent this weekend, as my husband is gallivanting through Hamburg and Berlin on a boys' weekend with one of his buddies. But it's still been a good time with the kids and I've been rather productive with the housework, sans my procrastination co-conspirator.

The day began with all four kids at breakfast - although that first required that I drive to Essen and pick up a teen who stayed overnight at a birthday party. But we were home by 9am and the older boy had biked to get the Brötchen and the others set the table while we were out - so it wasn't too bad. And I do cherish family breakfasts!

Throughout the day laundry was washed and my closet cleaned - with all the summer things packed away and the wool and cashmere pulled out of storage. Several dressers were organized and, sad to say, all the winter scarves, gloves, and hats sorted into the hallway credenza for quick access on cold mornings. The autumn afternoons have been beautiful lately, but the nighttime temperatures are definitely cause to crank on the heat and early mornings will soon merit mittens :)

The day ended much as it began, with my kids around the dining room table for a meal of turkey medallions with roasted cauliflower and carrots. I was planning for leftovers, but underestimated their appetites - they cleaned it all up! Dinner conversation was especially animated tonight with the four talking over each other and teasing relentlessly. I love to watch them all battle to get a word in edge-wise and realize I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family.

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