Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Bilbo and his Man Jimmy M.

Bilbo and His Man, Jimmy M.
Jimmy M. is Bilbo's Man. Couple of times a day, Bil takes his Man for a stroll along the river Slaney- an onerous, indeed frustrating, task. Badly trained as a Whelp, scarcely better as a Full-Grown, Jimmy the Man continues to break Bil's heart, tugging at his leash, barking stupid nonsense, never appreciating the theraputic and character-building aspects of these bankside perambulations.
Which are- smelling things (in fact, smelling everything smellable).
Putting other, bigger, Carnivores in their place.
Marking boundries, fluidly, fluently, and frequently.
Making other Men dance and jump backwards a bit while running away from Bil and his barking (mad) Man.
Offering friendly introductory nipsandbiteswithsniffingandlicking to other Men (and their Bitches).
As much as Bil hates to do it, the Man will have to get The Snip.
(With regards and apologies to Roy Hattersley...)

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