Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

New toy for my new toy...

I discovered that a creative aperture kit for the lensbaby was fairly inexpensive and would give me other effects to play with. With shaped aperture rings, the out of focus highlights take on the shape of the ring. My chosen shape to play with today was a star. This image of the duck is one the results.

Today the lovely man and I went for a trip to Balloch and a wander by Loch Lomond. We got caught in the most torrential rain at one point but it was a lovely day out. I even enjoyed the rain though the duck thought I was mad! When it was heavy we saw a little family of ducks. It was far too heavy to take the cameras out so we just watched them. There were four little ducklings and one was yellow. They were lovely.

Here's another image using the creative aperture kit.

This shot is without the lensbaby and of the boats at Balloch.

This one is a close-up of a duck with a big lump on the far side of it's face which turned out to be a bit of bread it was still chewing on.

I'm a bit behind with comments as the lovely man and I are holidaying at home. Hope you're all having a good week.

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