
By hpx

Testing times

Today I finished the programme of testing. I still have the analysis and recommendations to do but the demands of actual testing is over.

Late in the day I headed off for my own 'test'. It was a fancy form of imaging and involved lots of tubes, a plank-like tilting bed, various computers and four people including me (two decked out in 'snake suits') and various other things that hummed, buzzed and measured. I had a shower at the end and briefly glowed in radioactive manner ;-)

I know you're reading this and jumping to conclusions about what I get up to outside of work. While it's true to say I paid a lot of money for this experience, I assure you it's not in the way you might be thinking ;-)

I thought my insides looked pretty fine on screen. Everyone had a great sense of humour and it ran like clock work. A few moments were mildly unpleasant but compared to other medical procedures endured this year, it was fine.

I have a follow up with the specialist next Monday. From what was said today I'm picking she won't be waving her scalpel at me in the short term but I know she still has closer analysis to do :-)

Her instructions to me were to go home and have a big cup of tea followed by a glass of wine. I've complied with the first part and about to execute the second (I'm never one to argue or ignore medical advice ;-)

Still fighting the bugs and pretty exhausted so I'll gracefully head away. Thank you for your continued comments in the absence of mine. I've read them all and feel deeply humbled.

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