Ankle .....

..... injury.

This evening I've been to circuit training with the harriers again. I was in a group of three doing the exercises along with Mr M and Keith. All was going well until the very last run around the gym at the end of the night when I managed to go over on my ankle and it swelled up like this within seconds.

As I'm prone to breaking bones, just to be safe there's been a trip to the minor injuries clinic at the hospital and an X-ray has been taken. Fortunately it's just damage to the soft tissue but there is a lot of fluid around the ligaments and they recon it will be a few weeks before I stop hobbling.

I'm now sat at home with my foot elevated and a bag of frozen peas on my ankle. I had taken a photo of Keith doing chin-ups earlier in the session, but today's blip is the .....

..... Ankle injury.

Apt tune. ( not the bit about Jazz mags, unless you have a foot fetish, that is )

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