
The half-snapped rear shifter wire was probably caused by the slight rear-mech-eating event a couple of weeks ago when the new cassette and chain had been put on the salvage wheel, though the indexing didn't suddenly pop out until a couple of days later. I switched to friction to complete the journey but forgot to peer at the wire until the weekend, whereupon the snappage of half of the strands was obvious. Unfortunately I'd previously agreed with myself that the next time either shifter wire needed to be replaced I'd give them a bit more room at the front so that I could then get around to fitting my slightly longer stem, though this meant that I could also take advantage of the broken wire and the completely seized-up downtube adjuster to get round to fitting an inline tension adjuster, which I shall try and occasionally oil to stop it going the way of other tension adjusters, though the one on the mech itself still moves after a little bit of straining. In the end I kept the frontmost bit of shifter outer so hadn't actually needed to unwrap the right-hand bar but I've had the replacement tape for about eighteen months so it was probably time it was fitted.

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