It was quite cool today, but at least the sun was out now & then, and it didn’t rain. I think this might be the same bumblebee I featured in my blip yesterday. He was the only one out today gathering nectar on the lavender, or any of the flowers. The others must have been back at the hive, sick with bad colds because they couldn’t figure out how to get in out of yesterday’s rain. (I liked this angle because it shows the blue sky.)

Today I got together with an old friend to try to teach her how to knit. Trouble is, she’s left-handed and I’m not! After many attempts, she decided to learn to knit right-handed and figured with practice she’ll improve. As she said, any future knitting projects will only come with right-handed directions, so she might as well conquer it from the beginning. We got to laughing so hard – with me trying to knit left-handed so I could show her, or with her just trying to learn it right-handed. We were all thumbs! To her credit, she has a great attitude - she’s going to need it! :-)

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