All he needs

My run this morning could hardly contrast more with the peace and beauty I experienced on my runs in the last ten days. I was a tad slow in rising today, as the pressure went off when the morning appointments got cancelled at the last minute. By the time I headed off the morning traffic was building.

Karangahape Road (K Road) is one of the areas in the central city where sex shops are common. There have been rather desultory complaints, and proposals to close down the establishments because a large girls only secondary school is nearby and many of the students walk along K Road. Nothing much has changed, although there are some higher end retail outlets now. And more (nearby) apartment buildings.

Morning drunkenness is not uncommon later in the week. Rough sleeping is also not uncommon. This chap is sleeping late. He looks like he has got the clothing sussed; as well as what he is wearing there is a large bag by his head with more clothes. Shelter is far from ideal but it would take almost horizontal rain to wet him in this spot. Food may not be the best quality, but is almost certainly obtainable.

But I wonder who loves him. I doubt if this shop will provide it for him. He would have been "moved on" not long after I took this photo, I feel sure. Perhaps the absence of meaningful relationships with others is the greatest lack for the houseless/homeless.

It is said that the health of a society can be judged by how well it looks after its most vulnerable members. Compared with 40 years ago New Zealand is a much less healthy society. Not unconnected with that is that compared with 40 years ago New Zealand is a much less equal society.

The Auckland Council is planning a by law allowing a person like this man to be forcibly relocated somewhere else; still on the streets. No intention to try and provide the necessaries in a more humane fashion.

NOTE: He was still asleep, and I chose not to wake him for his permission. He cannot be identified from this picture, and he helps me make a loud complaint about injustice. I feel okay about posting this picture.

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