
A busy day where nothing much has been accomplished, probably on account of a little too much of the free wine last night. We went to see Felix Dennis at the Norwich Playhouse. We saw him a couple of years ago in Brighton and, sad to say, he's gone down hill a bit since then. But, in his own words:

You cannot live as I have lived and not end up like this.
You cannot climb where I have climbed denying the abyss.
Long nights of iguana joys and terror on the wheel
Will lead you to a labyrinth where Minotaurs are real.

And there's the rub; for amateurs who act as if they care,
Too slow to cauterise their need to strip the wires bare:
You cannot waltz with Dracula then wave away the kiss -
You cannot live as I have lived and not end up like this.

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