No. 2C Autographic Kodak Junior

Old meets new.

This was my grandmother's camera dating to somewhere in the early 20's. It has traveled around the world already with her and now followed me here to Italy.

I unearthed it again this past weekend picking up the office. Outside is showing it's age - as it was the part often handled, but the rest is incredibly fresh... Hard to imagine something mechanical with probably 90 years to work so flawlessly. When my sister and mother found it more than 20 years ago sorting her belongings, it still had a partial roll of film in it. My sister shot the rest of the film and developed it. There were still good pictures even after sitting probably 25-30 years!

The package includes the original Kodak camera dépliant which was saved and prices marked in pencil. This camera cost my grandmother about $16.50!!!

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