beauty, in death... still quite evident in this rose

doesn't matter - it has become somewhat shriveled - dried up - lost a bit of its vibrancy... put it in a bit of a sunbeam (borrowed from the princess diva for a moment) - and it comes to life again - showing off why roses have a beauty all their own - an ability to shine from within - draw from an inner place of connectedness -

which is how i want to be - long to be - with my faith - in how i relate to others - interact with nature - with how i approach life everyday - to be able to draw upon resources that come from within me - which i have been nurturing over the years - cultivating... that i show an ability, caring, strength as well - somehow i, too, shine in a way which might draw others towards me - i don't know how successful i am/ or have been - i'd like to believe there has been a modicum of accomplishment - it hasn't been for naught and think there is truth there - certainly struggles have sharpened me - made me a stronger individual - as with the rose, i hope i have beauty and grace when my end time approaches (i'm not there yet, people - don't read this wrong! i'm just sayin') grace - beauty - standing with strength and an inner glow - all things i long for - and combined make for...


happy day.....

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