
Count the whiskers in large. ;)

Sunshine... we finally had sunshine! After so many rainy days, it felt very energizing to wake up to sunshine. We dove right back into the garage project and made an incredible mess today. :-/ Yesterday, we hauled 6 car loads away... stored, forgotten and unused items... the garage was looking pretty good, then we started on the wood-shop that is attached to the garage. Ugggh. We emptied the whole room out and sorted keepers from giveaways and junk. As we wrapped it up tonight, the wood-shop was EMPTY (not a shelf or tool left). The garage, however, looks worse than it did when we started! Gotta make a mess to get organized I guess. This is a long overdue huge project, but it does feel good to be tackling it.

I do appologize for my lack of communication the past few days. I've been pretty tired after these full days of physical labor. (Gettin' kinda wimpy in my old age.) I will catch up as I can. Thanks for your patients and for dropping by! :)

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