Kindred Spirits

Wrapping up the Pacific Northwest component of their holiday, Croatia-based UK blipper Booky Goatherd and her partner K stopped by for lunch today before heading for Vancouver, British Columbia, bringing warm smiles and a cessation of the heavy rain that had fallen most of the morning.

As with visits from Scottish and California blippers in May and another Scottish blipper in June, and more recently, spending time with two blippers in Iceland, meeting Blipfoto folks from other countries in three dimensions and real time is such a pleasure!

Phil’s iconic beer fridge was one of the home tour’s high spots, but books also appealed to them, and I was delighted when they lingered over the bookcase upstairs, as I do just the same when visiting others' homes. (There's a bookshelf in the living room you didn't have time to peruse, Booky and K -- add that to the list for next time!)

Speaking of sharing, what a pleasure it is to share a meal with people who enjoy good food as much as I do! We lingered over four local cheeses and three breads, two kinds of smoked salmon, and sliced cucumbers and cherry tomatoes -- so we could say we had some vegetables at lunch, too -- and relished equally the wide-ranging conversation, smiles, and laughter.

Phil had a previous engagement, but returned in time to join us for dessert -- a small chocolate/coconut torte and a chocolate peanut butter cup from our food co-op, and an apple and cranberry crisp with cream, featuring our own apples. He jumped right into our conversation about past/present/future travel, food, relationships, books, Blipfoto, and craft beers, about which Booky and K have done some first-rate personal research during their holiday here.

Perhaps there needs to be a special Blipfoto group for craft beer lovers, and Blipmeets in locations that can provide both outstanding brews and outstanding views!

(Special thanks to K for taking this photo -- it’s impossible for me to keep my eyes open when I’m laughing all the time!)

(I better start doing eye exercises -- here I am again on Booky's blip for today, eyes shut!)

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