The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Poker Face

Mr.R has wanted a Poker set for a while and today he took possession of one today. He is now practicing how to look cool with chips.

The trick is to flick the outer one over the two inner ones and then lift the two outer chips, rotate the single one and place it in between the other two.


I have no idea. Apparently that is because I have breasts!

A visit to see the Parents today.
Dad is not happy as you may imagine after the news yesterday, but I hope he will start to realise this could be the begining of a new chapter of his life, not an end.
I envisage him being a regular on the public transport system and meeting a lot of new friends and no doubt drinking copious amounts of tea in local cafes.
The credit crunch may be looking up for these hostelries.

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