
By Jacque

One of those days

It all started with housework! Thought I'd go in to work half an hour later so I could hang washing up and do some housework. The man in the photo was heading to work, driving his motorbike down my street. I was in front of the accident so didn't see it happen, but I'm told he skidded, swerved to miss an oncoming bus, then swerved to miss me. And went straight in to the wall head first. So, first aid Jamie kicked in and arranged help (after lifting the bike off him!). The paramedics arrived and the door fell off the ambulance, so they had to wait on another coming! An eventful morning to say the least! Apologies to my friend for the cryptic message saying I was on my way to her and we were going to the pub! A bacon roll and full fat coke later I was okay and heading to work! The man called me later that afternoon saying he managed to escape with little injury and arranged to pick up his bike.

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