De Whalan

By DeWhalan


My neighbour has been dead for six years, she was a keen botanist and horticulturalist. She left her beautiful woodlands home to a young couple whom she was very fond of, and who reside in inner city Melbourne. They use the house as a holiday home, 10 months of the year the house stands vacant, and the well established garden grows on - leaves drop, blossom blooms, fruit falls and the cycle continues... We share a boundary fence.

I love dropping by and walking through her garden. She has quite a number of trees which have been added to our community's "Significant Tree Register", there is an abundance of fruit trees which feed the native birds and possums if no one drops by to collect.

I chose to stop by this afternoon for a wander and a photograph and chanced upon this field of Bluebells that I'm sharing with you today.. Spring is generous with her garden treats....

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