Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Work draw

DDW's October 2013 Challenge Day 9: Inside a cupboard or drawer

Only chance I have today to photograph anything cupboard or drawer like is at work.

This is my desk drawer/cupboardy thing. It is full of random stuff that I don't know what to do with each time I move desks. The koala was left on my desk randomly and because of that pathetic look on his face I can't bear to throw him out. I did once but then caught sight of him looking pitiful in the rubbish bag and had to rescue him again. As for woody...Well, everyone needs a woody in their drawers to play with from time to time ;)

There is also the dullest of work folders in there that I hope one day soon to burn. And for good measure, a USB glitter light that cheers me up through the winter when it's dull all day.

I don't like that I work at a desk in an office. I'd rather be outdoors. Preferably in Orkney.

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