Violence against women is a worldwide problem. In Gaza they have startet a Project called "Towards a society free of violence against women".

We are very happy to be supporting The Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR) from 2014.

Here is some of the information we got:
- 70 % of women in Gaza experience violence in their home
- The violence comes mostly from their husband, father or father in Law
- If the woman have no own income the possibility for violence increase
- If the woman and husband live with the family in law and extented family the risk of violence increase.
- the domestic violence is increasing now because of the effect of the blockade and occupation.

The organisation intervene, has different campaigns, work to change laws, give psychological, financial and legal help to the women and many other things.

I asked for a picture of all the men in the room that consider themselves as feminists - and all males came forward. Bravo!

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