A Sunshiny Day

To celebrate my little brother's birthday today, I couldn't resist teasing him with what he would describe as 'yet another blip of the Meadows'.

He is my little brother, only on account of his age, having the handicap of being born three years after me. But he has the advantage of standing a whole 12" taller, getting the tall family genes while I drew the short straw ones: a case of little and large, you could say.

It appears he dislikes The Meadows since it was in the old Royal Infirmary which once stood on the site, that he thinks he nearly croaked his last when he was admitted as a young man with a collapsed lung.

He survived to tell the tale and chooses now to live as far away as possible from his nearly early demise in deepest darkest SW England.

So, Happy Birthday Robin! Now it's about time you came north to kiss the hallowed ground whereupon you escaped the clutches of the Grim Reaper.

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