
By NickyH


I couldn't resist a blip of the sun streaming through the trees of the church grounds behind my shop. What a beautiful morning!

The time is almost here... The girlie weekend! The bags are packed, work is almost over, so tonight I will be staying at my sister's house and we will be having a glass of fizz whilst getting excited! We do have a very early start in the morning though, so we can't get too carried away...!

So this is me saying adios amigos! I'll see you all on Monday! Be good!

Huge apologies for my absence with commenting this week. You know the drill - too much to do and too little time. I have still been looking at everyone's blips, even though I haven't said anything. Thank you for sticking by me, even though it must seem like I'm not returning the favour. I really do appreciate it xx

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