Street Corner Society

By StCornerSociety

The MRC Unit

This is the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at Glasgow University. It started as the Medical Sociology Unit in Aberdeen and moved down to Glasgow many years ago. It's a pure research Unit that examines the social factors that affect health and wellbeing and has a reputation for doing particularly good work addressing inequalities.

It's a time of change for the Unit as the former Director Sally Macintyre has now retired and a new Director has taken over. It has just become part of Glasgow University, having always maintained a separate identity due to its funding from the Medical Research Council. Also, the lease on Lilybank Gardens stipulates that in 2014 the buildings have to return to residential use. Therefore the Unit is on the move again; to the old Herald building in the City Centre.

I have really mixed emotions every time I enter into this building.

I did my PhD here and remember moving up from London in the late '90's. I loved the work I did and was incredibly lucky to have the most amazing mentorship and enjoyed some wonderful friendships.

It also puts me in touch with a very sad time for me too. At the end of my second year of my PhD I received a phone call at work informing me my dad had died suddenly. I still vividly recall sitting at my desk in shock. My mum was very ill with progressive MS, and a legal nightmare ensued also relating to costs of her care. All of this changed my life overnight.

I took around three years out of my PhD to care for my mother and wrangle with legal stuff. I did go on to complete my thesis (eight years in duration in total!) and I returned to this building for my Viva Voce exam. I can't tell you how good it was to pass! Not because of the PhD - just for what it represented to me personally. A very good day.

There are lots of people that work at the Unit that were there when I was a student (including Geoff who is coming out of the door!). Always good to see them, but always feel a bit sad that life interrupted my friendships with a lot of them. Anyway, I have re-established my connection with the Unit as I am working with some colleagues there - it's good to have a little toe in the door again :-)

I've just noticed my other Glasgow workplace appears last year.

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