
It's me!!!

I weighed myself today and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight - yay! I have an addiction to my maternity leggings which positively hang off me! Having said that I had a stubborn stone to lose before getting pregnant so that's my aim......hopefully that'll all come from the mummy tummy I now have :) No pressure though, it took nine months to get there so I'll take a leisurely nine months to banish it :)

We've had our first unsettled day with Minnie - I think it's constipation so on the advice of Withers we are trying cooled water with a smudge of sugar. Fingers crossed that helps moves her along.

The sensory class was ace!!! I met lots of new mums and although Min slept through it all I'm sure she will love it. Lots of songs and interaction. They were very welcoming and I'm going to sign up for Baby Massage with another of the Mums starting next month. Min, not surprisingly was the youngest and they were all astounded how much we has been out and about already - I think I underestimate just how much we have achieved in 16 days.

Bath time shortly for Min followed by a bottle with Daddy - milk for her and beer for him.

I'll be in bed early as I was up at 5am.......I'm still doing the 2am and 6am feeds so Si is fit for work. My choice I hasten to add, he does offer to do one of them

Tomorrow was going to be a chillaxed PJ day but I think I'm going to walk to see my Brother In Law who is still off work after his brain surgery. They live about two and a half miles away but I can call on Si to collect me if I'm pooped by the time I get there :)

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