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Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments you left me yesterday, they really cheered me up. Your a wonderful group of people for sure.

Did not feel well today, I think I am having another bout of vertigo or something. I had the day off work, I was just to dizzy. Spent most of the day in bed.

Mum brought Nana round for a cup of tea to cheer me up. Nana insisted that we all go back to Goldielea to see the squirrels if they were out & go for a wee walk. No squirrels today but I did take this shot of the aqueduct, on our short walk (only about 100 yards) to the pond & back. Nana knew best, I did feel a bit better after a wee wonder.

Feel a bit better tonight but still really tired. An early night for me I think. Saw Number 19 today with Mum.

Hope you had a great Thursday

Shona :0)

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