
By wiizzz

I'll make an effort

So my relapse was almost immediate but I'll try hard to blip more. Junior year has been S T R E S S F U L. This week has been pretty relaxing so I'm really wondering what's going to happen next week. And for all of you who want to know how each subject is going, here's an unnecessary play by play:

AP Lit is going pretty well! Well...except for yesterday's quiz. Here's a question from it: Which of these words can best replace the word scarce? A)rarely B)hardly C)seldom D)infrequently E)little That should give you a strong indicator on how I did.

APUSH is probably the most surprising because I have only one grade under a 90 and it's an 88.

I haven't gotten anything less than a 100 in Criminal Justice and my teacher said he might get a relative who's an alumnus from Dartmouth to interview me! That was pretty(extremely to the 100th power) cool of him.

I don't even know what Chem is. My average isn't too hot an we haven't gotten tested on anything in weeks but we do a lot of science-y stuff so...

Algebra 2 is a foreign language. If you don't believe me look at the cover of this entry. I think I did well on the test we took yesterday but my average is nothing short of disappointing from what I had last year.

Spanish is going well and I have a test tomorrow.

Band is alright. Newsday is Tuesday. Is it good or bad?...I don't know.

And now for Cross Country. My PR at Sunken Meadow is 21:52 and Bethpage is 20:56. Although it's a drop off from last year I have reasons why I'm okay with it. Also Milesplit costs money now so that is upsetting.

Whelp, a lot has passed since July 29 and although I still wish it was July 29, I'll have to keep pushing and maintain my grades to the standards I have set for myself.

Confidence is the key.

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