Piece #12

Wheel Piece #12 in trimmed, greenware state, has six grooves.

Norm made me 2 pitcher bodies for me to pull and attach handles for this year's Bethlehem Story props. He has agreed to make me 8.

It was a rainy day today, too much moisture in the air for a beginner to be outside in their backyard pulling ceramic handles, expecting them to timely dry to a leather stage for attachment. I ended up pulling 7 handles, one right after the other, due to breakage mishaps I discarded the first FIVE!
FINALLY I got the job done. Phew! DO hope next week is easier - stress level was off the charts. They look okay, I guess, for only my 3rd and 4th handles.
(don't complain, can't complain; haven't made 20 pieces yet)
I am most definitely learning the hard way by DOING.
Go ahead, throw myself off the pier into the water, I'll learn how to swim!

people: Mike, Pete, Ginny, Natalka, Naoko, Larry, Leo, Nancy, Dana
places: ECC (Mount Hope), Coronado, City Heights
particulars: attended play "WIT" about cancer patient so like Mum's life

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