Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


Well, at least her tongue is!

This is Indie! She is a wonderful Australian Shepherd, and owns this guy by the name of . . . .

"What was your name again? I didn't get it the first time. "
"That's because I didn't give it to you."
"Oh, o.k. I'm Deborah. And you are ?"
"You don't get it. I don't want to give it to you. "
"Gee, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I'm just an amateur photographer, and I like to introduce myself and get to know people."
"Well, I really don't want to meet you. You can take pictures of my dogs. That's it".
"Thank you." - end of conversation.

Before this conversation, I was just really missing my three wonderful dogs. They are keeping my husband company in Colorado while he deals with issues with his mother and the house there. And I'm here at our house in Reno working and overseeing the renovations here. Sad, Sad, Sad!

So, I went to the dog park to get a dog fix this afternoon. The gentlemen above had two stunning aussies. I watched them for a few minutes then asked if I could take their pictures. He agreed, as long as it was the dogs and not him. No wonder I'm not good at street photography! . Anyway, he threw their frisbee and I got some nice action shots, but Indie's resting shot intrigued me.

After our final conversation (above), he left. I wandered over to have a wonderful discussion with Laura (no she didn't want me to take her picture either! Maybe I look like a terrorist, politician or something!) who is owned by Clampton, a wonderful little Corgi. Whenever I would get down on the ground to take his picture, he would run up to me and try to lick my lens. So, I didn't get a eye to eye view. He was delightful. While Laura and I were talking, the Richardson's walked up who are owned by Tootsie. She was a three month old Yorkie who stole everyone's heart. (After my last two rejections, I didn't want to suffer another, so I didn't ask if I could take theirs).

So, here is my Dog's Eye View (or Tongue) on BCAM for today!

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