probably definately

By chole33

Open Trail

Found a trail that is currently open. Most trails are currently closed, and will be for quite some time while they clear them out and fix them. A few trails are so badly damaged they aren't even sure yet how they are going to fix them. This trail wasn't too badly off.

Our ride however hit a few snags. D#1 crashed and banged up her knees. At the top of the hill J declared he wasn't going to ride down, because he didn't want to ride back up - a little...lot of peer pressure changed that. Unfortunately, at the bottom of the hill, D discovered that the crash had bent her dérailleur and her chain wouldn't stay on. While waiting for D#1 to catch up (before we knew she was having problems), D#2 was messing with his brakes and somehow managed to spray his brake fluid all over the trail. You don't need rear brakes do you?? It's nearly dark and we are at the far side of the trail with only half of the bikes functional. We got D#1 a vehicle pick up nearby, while the rest of us high-tailed it back to the trailhead. Post-ride beers were required to bring morale back up.

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