
By mollymay49

A Chore

Friday, cleaning the house my biggest chore day of the week, no little ones today just the clean up for the weekend. no use grumbling about it its got be done! I prefer to do it in one fell swoop though!
My day started doing the laundry for two people, that's not a lot, I blipped that chore i even blipped the washing blowing dry on the washing line outside, I didn't like that blip much.
We live in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home all one level, I started to vacuum in the front bedroom and finished in the back bedroom (both bathrooms are a mid week chore so they were already clean) took the vac outside and cleaned the car of all debris, biscuit crumbs lolly wrappers! Not mine the grandchildren's, I really will have to train them better! Mmm no time for that, I enjoy them too much!
Cleaned the tiled areas in the house the kitchen, the laundry two hallways. Brought the washing back in by lunchtime. Chores complete for today and no blip all too boring!! isn't everyones house chores boring? Bad enough to write about it let alone blip it as a reminder! I had to have a better idea!!
Decided to see what other people were doing for their everyday mundane job or chore, just around the corner of our house I saw these guys lopping down this poor pine tree! We were all given a pine tree when we bought the land in our suburb from the land developers, obviously these people didn't want it anymore! the poor old tree was lopped and stashed into the muncher!! I would rather do my chores than chop down any trees!
I decided things were a lot harder before I retired early, bringing up three children and doing house chores as well as a full time job! House chores don't seem so bad now. Still, I am looking forward to weekend and no chores! :-)

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