
By samsticks

Poorly Boy

I had to leave work early to get Miles from Childcare today.

He'd been sick a few times and had an upset tummy, the poor lad.

Amazingly, he didn't complain once from the moment I picked him up, despite being obviously out of sorts and not very well. We're hoping that it's just a 24 hour thing and he'll be better tomorrow after a good sleep. It's not nice to see him like that - we just wish there was something we could do!

After he went to bed I left for the Penny Black. We played what we thought were a good couple of sets, although as the venue had put a DJ on in the extensive (heated) garden, we only ended up playing to about 50-60 people... outside was packed! We didn't really mind though, all good practice, and how can we compete with the likes of Daft Punk and Justin Timberlake?!

Today's shot is of Miles playing with one of my guitars... he loves it when I play for him, so I thought that it might cheer him up to have a go.

He loved it!

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