Nanou in Anjou

By nanou

Gaspard's helping me prepare a Moroccan chakchüka for my guests tomorrow (and he knows his stuff!)

Actually poor old Gaspard is only a pretext for me to express my feelings tonight.

First of all, warm warm thanks to all of you who commented so generously on my blip birthday the other day . Unfortunately it's not very likely that I'll be as consistent on blip as I'd like to in the weeks to come. I'm lagging behind so many things at the moment and contrary to what you may think, mojo is conspicuously silent. I think I've got as far as I could, all alone with my camera up to now and the return of Autumn, Winter, the changing of light and the prospect of so many indoor blips frighten me, not to say, discourage me a bit.

I'll keep on commenting on your journals and I'll try to post entries whenever I feel happy again with my shots. You're a marvelous bunch and I want to stay in touch with you at any price.

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