Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman


I've known John for a good 30yrs. We met initialy when he was a student on a course I taught, then we became colleagues in the same prof organisation. We saw very little of each as I worked far too hard and he weathered 2 failed relationships.
Now he's living about 50 miles from me so we meet regularly to spend a day together. Today John came to me ( driving that distance is beyond me at present ), I cooked us a great dinner of Roast Chicken with Roast potatoes, lots of veg and good gravy. I do cook for myself daily, but never roast tatties, so a treat. John is a great cook, making wonderful breads.
We went to the Sainsbury to see the special exhibition of East Anglian Masterpieces. I found it a bit of a hotch potch, but that may have been cos I was in pain, hobbling around with a very helpful folding gallery chair.
We home to tea and homemade cake, then John helped me turn my mattress, then headed home : thank the Goddess for pals eh!

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