
By cowgirl

Church of St George, Beckington.

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes, I'm feeling a lot better today. Can't say I got a good night's sleep tho as Sav has a bad cough and cold so we both struggled to get to sleep. Then Shadow, who had been allowed to stay in as it's so cold and windy out now, decided his breakfast time was 6 am and came to tell me so. I tried to ignore him for half an hour but he won in the end. I got up and let Arfa in too. He was sitting all huddled up by the patio door as the wind and drizzle battered him. He will not stay in at night, whatever the weather. God knows why, he's not a brave cat or a hunter. I hate letting him out but he's bloody impossible to live with if I don't!

Yesterday as we were leaving the restaurant, Jo noticed that they had a full time vacancy for an assistant there, so today Sav and I went over to take my CV and have a coffee.

Then we had a walk around the village and were pleased to be able to go inside the church of St George. I do love looking around churches, the history that they've stood through and the quietness of them always " gets to me " if you know what I mean.

The afternoon was spent baking apple and blackberry pies, using apples from the trees around Pickleberry and the blackberries I picked whilst walking Fossey the other day. Quite yummy with custard this evening, though I say so myself!

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