Passing Storm

Blue sky warm and bright, lovely to be working in the garden along with the bees.

A few white wispy clouds drifted through against the blue sky. Birds started to dart here and there, loud chirps filled the air, white rolling clouds full of energy filled the blue sky while dark shadows loomed over the garden. The temperature dropped!

I looked out nothing but grey sky in the west, a rumble of thunder so far away I wondered if it was a truck, blue sky and white clouds over the Pacific Ocean.

I called it a day and put my gardening tools away, thunder was much closer now rumbling through the sky. By the time I got inside forks of lightning streaked through the sky, clouds thick and grey rolling by and thunder that shock the house - it was all doom!

Then the rain came, heavy and short - all is quiet now. Well it was quiet, the wind has followed behind the storm, rustling leaves, blowing wind chimes - wonder what sort of night we're in for........

And now its teaming down, so loud I can't hear myself think, straight down with hail - spring so unpredictable!

Happy weekend blippers :)

Thank you for your lovely words, stars and hearts for yesterday's tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness.

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