Purple Sea Anemone.

My friend and I were waiting for the rain to stop this morning, so we were standing talking about the fish in one of the big tanks.

Suddenly, we both said, 'what's that?' There was this bright purple thing that looked like a hat, that we hadn't seen before.

We stood there looking at it for a few minutes, and then we noticed it starting to change, the purple was beginning to fade and it was opening out.

We went for a 10 minute tea-break and when we returned it had opened fully, and you could hardly see any purple. But the tentacles looked like thay had yellow flowers on the ends.

I presume it was spawning. But neither of us have ever seen it do this before, but then I suppose you just had to be in the right place at the right time.

( my friend's photos were way better than mine, and she took hers on a Smartphone).

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