It's all about...

By Kelly81ann

....My Little girl

today was the birthday party fro my darling little Imogen, she wanted a bowling party so that's what we did, she had a fantastic time.

But before all that we had our ice skating lesson,

Imogen passed level 3,
Forward one-foot glide (straight line),
Two-foot jump skating forward,
Forward & backward sculling,
One-foot glide on a curve–inside edge (l & r)

Lucy Passed level 4,
One-foot glide on a curve–outside edge (l & r),
Backward skating and a two-foot glide,
Skating forward and turning to backward
Continuous forward chassés around a circle

And I passed level 6
Continuous backward chassés around circle,
Forward two-foot slalom,
Forward outside 3-turn,
Backward skating–stepping forward in both directions

I am so proud of my girls, they have worked so hard.

Happy Saturday.

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