Scottish Miniramp Championships...

Skateboarding isn't predisposed to competition and most of the comps we organise are just big skate jams where we kind of wrap some loose contest element around a big get together skate session.

Today however was slightly different. There has been a UK mini ramp championships organised for three last 5 years so we decided top organise a scottish pre-event where we would offer three people transport down to the UK mini ramp championships on Skegness in November.

So today we trekked up to Aberdeen to run the event at Transition Extreme, Aberdeen's excellent indoor park. This was more of a formal comp so instead of just throwing product or money at people for landing bangers, we did introduction rides for each rider followed by a jam where we judged each of the riders as they skated the ramp for 20 minutes or so.

It all went rather well and out was quite interesting trying to judge individuals in a group setting. My previously defined skate comp judging system came in very handy for this.

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