Life through the lens...

By ValC


No walk today, instead we went out for Sunday lunch with MrC's brother and his wife.
A lovely lunch at our favourite perfect country pub, The Game Cock Inn, Austwick.
Roast beef, homemade Yorkshire puddings, all seasonal veg, carrots , parsnips, cabbage, roast and boiled potatoes, all served with lovely tasty gravy. ( £8.95)
Pear tart for pudding.
A cold dreary day, and a roaring wood fire to welcome us.
Also homemade pate on toast, on the bar, to nibble while we had our pre lunch drinks.
A great Yorkshire welcome from Eric (who is French) his wife ( from Yorkshire) and all the staff.
Thank you all for a delicious lunch.

A lovely day spent with J & G and a quick photo taken from their drive just before we left, and it was beginning to get dark.

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