A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Day that Changed the World.

To celebrate the day, a picture of my Pepper badge and some tales from Pepperland.

This badge is from my 1972 edition which we got as a wedding present and still have. I used three other albums up from 1967 to 1972 mostly beat up ,scratched, and played to oblivion.

I didn't get my first copy until August 1967 because I had to order the stereo version and wait for delivery, so it came on my birthday. The standard version was in mono.

Unfortunatly I didn't have a stereo, so I could only hear one side of the mix ,although as the ultimate fan it did let me hear 'secret' things. For example, George counting in his time on Within You, Without You, chairs creaking at the end of Day in the Life, sounds of a studio party at the end of the first section of Day in the Life.

These were considered really far out and very cool.

At the aniversary of the 20 years we celebrated by painting my works daily diary in the style of Pepperland. These diaries were considered archive material and sent to the National Library at the end of the year, so we were sending a message to the future. We hoped.

On BB's 60th birthday we recreated the Magical Mystery Tour, originally part of the Sgt Pepper project, yellow bus, secret destination, and surprise artists. There were lots of proto blipper sthere too.

It may be an album to you - it was a lifestyle for me.

....and a splendid time was guaranteed for all

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