West Coaster

By WestCoaster

The Forgotten Track

This morning dawned, a cold crisp autumn morning. I had so much prep for uni to do, an initial writ to redraft and a defence to be written. The reading did not even bare thinking about so unlike me I grabbed the camera and headed off to walk in Milton Woods. The woods known by many incorrectly as Duchal Woods but whatever you choose to call them they are beautiful to enjoy. Owned by the McLay family and bisected by Duchal Avenue the woods are open for the public to walk in and have, like the park in yesterdays Blip been a playground for generations of village children.

This is an old farm track that leads from the avenue into the adjacent fields, seldom used these days as the fields in question have been allowed to lie fallow for as long as I can remember. The gate has seen better days but I just liked the feeling of depth here as my eye was led along the ruts ground out by the tractors over the years.

I walked without meeting a soul, a call from my friend buoyed my spirits, hearing their voice and their news always lifts my spirits, for once I was able to rub it in that the weather was beautiful here, blue skies and bright sun whilst at their end of the country the rain was apparently teaming down. The image of a child's dragon umbrella resplendent with head and tail on the canopy providing shelter as she ran to the shop for butter is again making me smile as I think about it typing this journal entry. Like me, staying dry is paramount and had I needed to I would have shared that brolly too!!! Like Billy Connolly said, "there is no such thing as bad weather only the wrong clothes"

I am sure it will only be a matter of time until the bragging rights shift again and it will be me in the rain again. I hope you enjoy the shot, its not much I know but given my return to the books it was all I could muster for the day.

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