white, on white...

...on a windy sunday

a butterfly people! a complete and utter surprise - on this day - to see a butterfly - let alone actually capture it upon the little daisy - although i'll be the 1st to admit - this is not the best "in focus" shot at all - nosireebob...

you see, the wind was mighty while i was out and about - i thought said butterfly was going to be lifted off the daisy - to go flitting into the air - so this was the very best i could do - in spite of the conditions - but who am i to complain - on a day this late into the season - to see a tiny thing spiriting about - was pure joy itself - that it landed - remaining long enough for me to snap off several shots of it lounging upon the flower - icing on the cake, really - you have to grab these moments when you can - laugh at the fact of a bit of wind - simply shrug it off - knowing in the end what really matters - it all came together to make for...


happy day.....

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