Oxford Half Marathon

I had an early start today, to catch the 7.35 a.m. Oxford Tube from Victoria, as Daniel was running a half marathon, on behalf of the charity 'Mind'.

It wasn't the easiest of runs, as the rain was pouring down, creating gigantic puddles and slippery, muddy conditions as they ran through Christ Church Meadows and the path along by the river. They ended up at the Kassam Stadium, where they had started from. Daniel completed it in one hour and forty minutes (well...add a couple of minutes on, when he stopped for me to give him Jelly Babies and take a photo of him and his friend! I was trying to take it as quickly as possible, trying not to delay them, forgetting where the 'take' button was...and ending up not taking it at all, as it's nowhere to be seen on my camera!!...silly, panicky woman!) The rest of the photos I took were terrible too.

He survived (hurrah!) and I met him later for a coffee, just before I left (and he had removed his 'mud bath'). He was going back to the college to have the top part of his body painted as a tiger for a fancy dress party in the evening. I hope he didn't fall asleep there. I think he might be a little tired on Monday morning!

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