Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Fitness Kick!

I got up this morning, had some breakfast, then decided it was time to start my fitness kick. I downloaded an app, which tracks my progress, it's called Couch to 5k. I started with a 5 min, brisk walk, warm up, followed by 1 min of jogging, alternated with 1.5 mins of brisk walking, this went on for 20 mins, then there was a 5 min, brisk walk, cool down. I did 2.1 miles, in 30 mintues, but I guess I've gotta start somewhere. By the end of it, I felt like I was going to die, but I'm so glad I did it. Now, just to keep it up... Time to get my fitness built up! Here I am, looking and feeling a little worse for wear at the end of it...

My afternoon is going to be spent making some healthy soup, Butternut squash and Red pepper, before heading to work at 5.


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