Third Year Abroad

By LittleLots

So after a rather late night I had to actually make sure I got up at a reasonable hour to pick up my rather impromptu visitor for the weekend, a friends who is studying in Madrid and messaged me on Thursday evening asking if he could stay for the weekend. Luckily it wasn't like I had any other particular plans for the weekend and its always nice to have someone to show around. So we went for tapas at one of the best places I've found so far on Calle Elvira and then up into the Albayzín to Mirador San Nicolas which has the best view of the Alhambra, particularly in the evening. Despite walking in a few circles and getting a little bit lost, we did make it before the sun went down completely. It can be a bit difficult to find a viewing spot up there because its always so busy but you can see why, it definitely has one of the best views of the Alhambra. This picture was actually taken on our walk back down as it was too busy to stick around long at the top. After some more tapas that evening, we headed over to pre drinks before trying a new club called Vogue. Despite the fact that we left the flat at about 2, the club was still dead by the time we got there. I may have been here for nearly a month but I still haven't totally got to grips with Spanish timing! We headed to Tantra for a couple more drinks before Ben and I called it a night, neither of us having had much sleep the night before. We found out the next day that the others had gone back and the club had been packed. Typical.

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